All About Rezone

Core technology infrastructure used to identify people, items and devices within an enviroment.

A single space to collect various tracking data’ sources ( Wi – Fi , Beacons ) to drive all into a single view of yours “indoor “ space.

Correlate the real-time stream of client’s informations, in conjunction with aggregate data from your company, to drive and monitoring the client actions.

Drive personalized targeted content with contextual relevance leveraging multiple system.

Major Features

Why Rezone is the complete solution


A wider Experience of interaction. From ecommerce, directly to the physical store.


A wider Experience of interaction. From ecommerce, directly to the physical store.
With Rezone is easier to create an innovative and multi-channel experience.

Wifi recognition

Through Wi-Fi network, Rezone recognize the not registered devices

Wifi recognition

In case of anonymous user, so without installed application, it’s possible to track his movements through Wi-Fi network.


Allow a cost saving, increased of productivity and reduction of management.


It guarantees the availability of safety services, anywhere, anytime.
Housed in IBM data centers that ensure high service reliability.

Push Notifications

Allow to quickly reach the client or the prospect.

Push Notifications

With push notifications activated within the app, it is more immediate reach customers and drive it directly to the areas of interest.

Indoor beacons notifications

Reach internal store devices with direct notifications.

Indoor beacons notifications

The registered devices of the users, receive custom alerts according to the coverage area of a given Beacon place inside the store.

Analytics dashboard

Display data for process optimization is simple and fast.

Analytics dashboard

The store manager can control the movements of each device on which it is installed or not the app. Through IBM Insights platform, you can also manage multiple stores simultaneously.

For you customer

Amazing Graphic interface

Rezone app has a graphic interface studied in detail. It will be immediate and easy to use for each target.

Personalized notifications

Thanks to a simple graphical interface the store managers can create and edit notifications sent to users on their devices.

Social login

With the social login, access to the app it is even easier. In a few steps you will be active and can be traced from the platform.

For your marketing

With IBM platform “Presence Insights”, it will be able to obtain basic data for your marketing plan:

Average number of Wi-Fi connections
Time spent in a given area
Total number of Wi-Fi-enabled in a given area

For example through intuitive charts you can analyze in detail the visits made by registered or anonymous users, in the areas of the sensors’ activity, set directly into the platform.

With multiple parameters analysis your plan will consistently improve.

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